This place could be a really great neighborhood spot. It has great potential but the food misses the mark completely. They serve the stuff that is left over in your pantry/fridge but don't want to make so you decide to go out instead. For example they use canned salmon on top of their "salmon salad". I mean how hard is grilling a piece of frozen salmon? Their "salmon tacos" are the same thing.
Their menu is all over the map and needs to be cut down by 50%. Its just a bunch of random bar food. They should choose just a few things and do them well. Not 40 things microwaved poorly.
Don't even get me started on their ice. It makes their drinks disgusting. I'm almost positive it is lake water.
Our server was nice but a complete clusterfuk. It took 15 minutes to get dressing for a salad. Not more dressing, just dressing period because they just forgot to put it on.
I will eat and drink almost anything anywhere but I have to draw the line somewhere.