| - Greatest grocery store ever?
I'd compare this grocery store to Gone with the Wind, or the Godfather. It's that darn good.
This place is season 2 of the Sopranos.
Just when you think this grocery store couldn't get any better, you turn a corner and it's Game of Thrones the Red Wedding, what an unexpected twist. (Of course, all your friends who were there before were just waiting for you to turn that aisle!)
It's Pink Floyd "the Wall", of grocery stores.
It's the Westvleteren 12 of places to buy groceries.
Heck, I'm just going to go there on days when I don't even need anything, just to visit this store that is the Rolls Royce of grocery stores.
Do I like this grocery store? It's the Pappy Van Winkle 23 of grocery stores, except you can actually get this grocery store without having to be part of a cabal of whiskey thieves.
The carts in this grocery store, they handle better than any cart I've ever attempted to drive. All other grocery store carts should aspire to be these carts. Like they are the A1 steak sauce of carts.
There is not 1 but 2 cup holders on these carts, which is convenient, because I will want to have 2 drinks with me, as I zoom around the aisles on the whisper quiet carts; in this place, that is the Taj Mahal of Grocery Stores.
I would put this grocery store on the 7 wonders of the world, but that would just make those other places look bad, compared to this place, the Eiffel Tower of grocery stores.
Do you remember the first time you used a universal remote and you thought "this will change everything?!?!" that's what this grocery store is, it's the IPhone 7 of grocery stores.
They make their own butter in house.