A great place to spend hours and buy nothing. Seriously - I don't know how they've stayed in business all these years. I don't think I've ever gotten anything there over $10. As I kid my mom would bring me out here and do the "Do you know what this is?" game where she would tell me about how it was some amazing old cooking/farming/horse riding/animal-husbandry kind of item and my grandparents had one just like it when she was a kid. It was fun to find ones that stumped her. Because as a kid you feel like your parents know everything about everything - so it's fun to test their knowledge.
I feel like the place doesn't have quite the same wide selection that it did when I was a kid - but with the higher costs out here I suppose they need to stay in business. So if you like"the hunt" of shopping at all - I'd totally suggest this for you. Great place to find something cool - or have fun finding nothing at all.