Our #cultureequestrian Erika was so much fun and helpful. I love how she felt comfortable enough to step out of her comfort zone to become a guide, amazing to see how this company helps others grow!
I took this tour to see how the culture was created and maintained in such a stand up and successful company, parts of which I hope to take back to my organization. They gave us all a culture book at the end which I had signed like a yearbook by the staff I could find. Really loved learning about this company, who wouldn't want to live the Wow here? Would love for my son to work here once he completes college, he would fit right in. Maybe I can keep embarrassing him as his boss...hmmmmm.
Shout outs to Ryo Zsun, the Culture Kitten Dani, The Godfather Tony, and the Culture Hawk Kristina, who all signed my culture book.
Take the tour and see how a workcenter should feel, happy!