This place blows. Good in theory..bad in execution. First the lineup starts on the sidewalk out front of the building in order to get into the concert hall. Not appreciated during the winter and your freezing your ass off.
I went to go see a show featuring 3 bands (Silversun Pickups, An Horse and Cage the Elephant). Getting in is fairly smooth, tickets are taken quickly and you have the option of coat check. However that that it all goes downhill.
Basically you pay to stand for a million hours and maybe half see the show. The concert started late, and the length inbetween the different bands was ridiculous.
Now I'm 5'2 I couldn't see a DAMN THING. I opted to half see by the sound booth where the security man was standing and he slightly secured me a spot when I went to go get a t-shirt.
This venue is built for tall people, I went with my dad and my boyfriend and even they had problems seeing. It's just ridiculous. If I wanted to hear a band I'd download live songs from onlines. For silversun I couldn't see the girl on the right hand side of the stage for the whole show.
Its true the shows are cheap, but I'd rather opt to pay $20 more and go to a venue with seats. What's worse is that there is a private upstairs area which HAS SEATING!! How I longed for a seat by the end of the night.
Needles to say I will never go back to the sound academy as long as I stand on 2 feet. My legs will never forgive me if I do.