This place is huge, and that is good because it can get packed pretty quickly on the weekends. This is especially true when the weather outside forces us to look for indoor activities.
Unlike the previous poster, I initially had a hard time figuring out the computer seated at the table. I kept jamming my fat little fingers onto the screen expecting a touch screen response. Fortunately the other bowlers in my party realized that my genius was showing and helped me figure it out. Durrrrrr.
The bowling was fun, even though I probably should have had the bumpers on like the minors in our group did. At least then I would have not looked liked the biggest dork in three counties, just a weeny.
We ordered deep fried cheese curds, and deep fried macaroni for snacking. No healthy eating here!!! They were yummy, and just as good as Culver's. But since I've said that, now I'll have to hide from rabid Culver's fans. Yikes!
We'll go here again, and I can once again provide comic relief with my mad bowling skillz.