| - WHat can I say about Carolina's? It isn't pretty nor is it in the nicest part of town. The service isn't particularly great and there is ALWAYS a line and a wait for your order. The floors are bare and seating tight so you wonder why it gets four stars? The answer is simple, the food is absolutely spot on!
There are about a half dozen elderly Mexican women making fresh tortillas at any one time, the kitchen though sparse, turns out food you can't wait to eat and everyone dining seems happy with what is in from of them regardless of having to bump elbows with your neighbors at times.
One of my pre-travel rituals is a red chile chimichanga combo, which comes with rice, bean and a side of shredded lettuce, cheese, sour cream and guacamole. Let me tell you this, they STUFF that freshly made tortilla with generously sized cubes of beef bathed in a delicious red chile sauce. Refried beans may be refried beans but these just work, great consistency, texture exactly as it should be and taste "just like momma would make" (if momma was Mexican!)
I'm a fan of Carolinas and though you don't start to find "frills" in restaurants until you head several mies North or East, I make it a point to take visiting family or friends by to taste some of the best Phoenix has on offer.