Our service last night was terrible.
It wasn't the fault of our waitress (she was trying! Thank you) but it was because of whatever was happening in the kitchen.
Heard the male server yelling at the cooks. Watched customers get up and leave. Tables were left dirty...
Where was the team work? Why couldn't the hostess, manager, or anyone else try to help bring out orders, clean tables or let customers know there would be a wait?
You all seriously need a team meeting and figure out what the problem is. I have never experienced that while out to eat and even for a Denny's? C'mon.
The severs base most of their income on tips and to leave them stranded isn't fair. Our poor waitress was left to do everything in her section. Not okay.
To the male server last night - copping attitude at an 80 year old couple over a sundae is the last thing you should do if you want that $3 tip you think you deserve. There are people who WANT to work, so chill out with how you treat the people who pay you and help you.
Good luck!