| - Yikes. The shop is cute and the other patrons were really helpful but the staff there, awkward and, eh. When I asked the staff, "so what's good, I've never been here", since it was my first time visiting they didn't say a word and just looked at me. Two guys at the counter. Just standing there, swirling their personal concoctions in mugs, looking at me. Oh. So. Awkward. That is my standard casual question at new places. Usually they jump in and offer a couple things they individually make that are great, or that are their personal favorites, or that the shops pushing, or up sell my latte with a brownie. I like stuff. That's why I'm Elite. I'm easy to up sell. Nope.
They just looked at me like I was from Mars riding the DC Subway for the first time- While they were experienced riders. Kindly not saying a thing so I wouldn't feel even more foolish in my ignorance. Again. Oh. So. Awkward.
On top oh the awkwardness of ordering, I was in disbelief of how tiny my drink size was for a $6 iced latte to go. Whoa. I was shocked, SHOCKED at small the cup was and much I had paid.
I did ask if the nail salon was nearby. I did find this location because I mistakenly thought Colors Nail Spa was located near them. What I found amusing was the response from the gentleman working. His reply was along the lines, 'ya know we get asked where it is by our customers all the time but I don't know where it is'. It made me laugh. Thankfully two ladies in the shop were able to point me in the right direction.