The Skinny: nostalgic sugar rushes here we come!
When we entered into the store for their free soda tasting this weekend, it was like a step back into simpler times. From the quirky metallic posters to the large selection of salt water taffy, I felt like a giddy schoolgirl bouncing from one counter to the next.
But who wouldn't. The wide variety of sodas on the wall and shelves speaks to the history of carbonated beverages. I was pleased they had 3 kinds of Ramune, the Japanese soda that comes in a bottle with a glass marble.
Love the other cool vintage signs and toys they place around the store (yes! they have the action figure Jesus - too funny).
Stocking such gems like Big League Chew, Bazooka Joes, and OMG! Smarties (the Canadian chocolate ones not the weird powdery stuff that you get here in the US), what isn't there to love about this place?
The only thing that detracts from the 5 star review is their soda tasting. Call me finicky, but they served the soda at room temperature which wasn't so nice. (Soda, my friends, is like beer. You can't drink either of them warm!) However this establishment still rates a 4.5 star experience!