| - Summary: poor pool construction, MUCH worse owner's attitude.
We purchased a new house in carefree in 2007 where Money's Worth had constructed the pool. (I dont think yelp existed back then, and it just occurred to me to comment on my bad experience.) The pool has infloor jets, but didnt really work to clean the pool when we moved in, about 4 months after construction. A guy named Richard from MW came out, and he was very helpful describing how the pool worked and what might be wrong, and suggested we try removing the jets from the pool and clean them out, and even told us to stop by their office to get a plastic tool to remove them. When i tried to remove the jets, most wouldnt unscrew, but finally I got 1 or 2 out. The lines had rocks in them, and i noticed what seemed to be white glue/plastic that made the jets hard to remove. I called MW, got the owner, asked him about how the jets were supposed to work, and he basically implied it must be something I was doing wrong because his guys never make mistakes. I then tried to remove the other jets and the plastic tool broke. Bought a metal tool, and was able to remove about half other jets. I finally had to make my own tool for leverage and got the rest out, but those were all stripped by the time i was done. They were caked with white glue, and you could see it was excess from when the pipes were placed. I had to replace about 8 of these jets, at almost $100 each. And all the lines were carelessly filled with rocks, which made removing the jets necessary in the first place. I called MW, and told them in detail what I found so they could avoid those mistakes in the future, and now I had to replace a bunch of expensive jets. I stopped short of asking them to replace the jets, but I thought if they were a good company they would offer. Instead, I got the nastiest voicemail ever from the owner, very personal and calling me names... it was beyond defensive. It felt like the way an unethical person would act if they knew they were guilty but were trying to get out of paying. I was shocked, and didnt want to deal with them ever again, even though I had to pay over $1000 to get the pool fully working. The other part of the infloor cleaning system failed after a couple of years, and when I took the innards to a different repair place, they said there was no way it was only 2 years old, the parts were all warped, gears missing teeth, and discolored with age. But I cant be sure about that.
What I can be sure is that the combination of poor engineering and a defensive/unethical owner is toxic and should be avoided at all costs.