Untrustworthy, unethical, shady "business" practices by Dr Shapiro. In our first consult meeting he had my husband's test results and he has low quantity and low motility. Dr Shapiro told me that for sure my husband's sperm speed is definitely effecting why we aren't getting pregnant but we need to do all the female tests on me to make sure there isn't anything else going on. There wasn't. All my results were good. However that didn't stop Dr Shapiro from telling me and my husband in the last apt that husband's sperm isn't the reason we are not getting pregnant and that we need to do IVF. WTF?!? So Dr Shapiro either lied to me in the initial consult or the last consult but for sure he lied at least once. And of course he is pushing the most expensive, intrusive and most difficult option instead of just moving the sperm up closer to my eggs for the slow swimmers to get a head start! Shady. Find someone who doesn't lie to his patients and push the most expensive unnecessary difficult medical procedures on them after lying. Oh and they regularly run 1-2 hours late. Which is also horrible on it's own merit. Even when I had an apt before 10am the wait time and disregard for patients time is awful.