Top notch! I'm not from Phoenix or even Arizona, but I've ordered tons of stuff online from these much so that I couldn't wait to actually visit this place in the flesh.
The fellas that work here are a class act...really friendly folks and entertaining to banter back and forth with about who makes the best suppressors and why...had a friendly debate with some of the guys on different cans and mounts.
Got the grand tour from one of the guys and this place is amazing! I walked in just to look around and walked out with bags, Pelican cases, tons of gun parts, cleaning material, mags, you name it.
What impressed me about this place was amount of tactical firearms...too many shops don't even cater to this, the staff was awesome...I pretty much had someone walk everywhere with me showing me everything I wanted, clean and friendly. Pretty much the best gun store I've ever been in and I've been in a few. I would say that I spend between 5k-20k in firearms and kit every year and SGC will be seeing a lot more of my denairo.
Recently bought a Surefire suppressor here for something like 250 bucks cheaper than everywhere else!
I checked out US Auto Weapons next door (I have a lot of C3 stuff) and those clowns didn't say hello, acknowledge my existence, didn't offer any help....nothing. They can kiss my ass if they expect to ever see a penny from me...big business FAIL seeing as how I rolled in there with money to spend and rolled right out of there with an solid understanding that US Auto Weapons sucks!
A+++ to SGC!!!