| - Today is #NationalComplimentDay 01/24/17 and a great day to write a review about a wonderful place. A place that can help raise your vibration, and leave you feeling calm, fresh and happy. My friend and I visited this place to do a free one week trial, and in just one week I could feel and see the difference in my well being. The scope of possibility is endless. You can take this home practices for your life - practical tools to release stress and deal calmly with even the most difficult of situations. And the deep rest you experience will recharge you if you continue your practice. I have taken the aerial meditation with sounds, visual, the intention class, breath, and movement. They were all very rejuvenating, and the teachers are great. I practice at home, but so much better if you are in this setting especially if you are in the sling! The movement when they push you helps with the release of unwanted energy in my opinion especially when you are feeling sad. I read and listen to a lot of channeled material (Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Barbara Marciniak, Enrico, etc.), so it confirms what I have learned in the classes here. Yes, you can be skeptical of course, but if you practice meditation, you'll be able to connect to higher dimensional beings or your solar angel if you reach that higher vibrational, and joyful state. You have to be a vibrational match to connect, so keep a positive attitude. I learned so much from this place, and wish they were closer to the light rail or I would be coming here every day. I intend to return. However, I just need to figure out a better way to reduce my carbon footprint by not driving 45 minutes to get here.