A decent place
For the first few years living here in Las Vegas I was a Albersons fella. I honestly didn't know what smiths was. One day flying home I thought I'd give it a shot, and well I wasn't disappointed.
Smiths is great, the quality of food in the fresh produce section is leaps and bounds over Albersons. They have a better selection I believe of meats and seafood with a great organic foods section.
Where I believe this smiths shines is the pre made and sushi section. I've never been one for pre made dinners, but the selection and quality ain't to bad. The eggplant dishes they have are my recommendation.
Also incorporating a massive kosher section. I'm not really into Kosher foods, but if that's your thing this is the place for you.
While Smiths might be a little from expensive, the range and quality is far above some of the other places in town.