So I have been wanting to find a gym that I feel "comfortable" and have great hours. Well, this gym pretty much did this for me.
The fact that it is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year is great so you can go anytime you want. The only down side- this place is packed constantly. I am still trying to find a time where its less busy, but when you live in Las Vegas- I doubt that is possible.
They have a women's only gym on the first floor as well as a weight room that I have only seen dudes in. They have massive amounts of cardio machines on the top floor as well as rooms for instructor classes. From what I remember you can go to any classes for free and you can meet with a trainer (once a month) for free. Pretty nice.
I'm on a challenge right now- going to the gym everyday for the next 3 weeks (before I make a trip) so if you see me- say hello! :)