Cheap and cheap is good. The food was edible and the kids meal really well priced, but there were aome serious misteps at both the conceptual and preparation level for their food. We had their appetizer del fiesta... it included a bizarre taquito with raspberry sauce (just as weird as it sounds and not good weird), a rather floppy steak quesadilla, some underwhelming wings, and some very plain nachos (though I subbed chicken nachos for the normal seafood variety).
On the plus side, the tortilla chips were good... unfortunately the salsa wasn't and as @Stacey put it, it reminded me rather of unseasoned marinara. The steak in the quessidilla was tasty and it made me wish we'd gotten fajitas.
The one saving grace really of my meal, was the soppapilla... It was of the fluffy variety and served with honey and cinnamon sugar and this, will likely bring me back to ponder some of their other menu items.