The manager is so rude. I don't know who pooped in her Cheerios! She overheard us mention marijuana and threatened to kick us out. One I've been kicked out of better places. And two where was the chuckle to calm the situation?! Oh it wasn't there. You don't have to be a jerk about it lady. There are NO CUSTOMERS EVER in the store! So why be rude to the one you have?! Get your panties out of your behind and take a deep breath. The guy was pretty nice. He looked as if he had to deal with a terrible toddler. The tot would be her.
Needless to say you have a store that sells products to use for marijuana but if you say "marijuana" the dumb blonde will go ape shhhhh... Even if you're not talking to her! Well do us a favor Kelly Bundy, put a sign on the door that let's customers know they relinquish freedom of speech upon entry. Dumb a$$!