Listen up. You want Italian food? You want pizza? This is where you get it. Don't make things so complicated.
Yeah, the service is extra primo awesome. What else is new? These people are tops, and they're gonna treat you that way too. They been doin' it for decades.
But it's the food, you know. There's just nothin' like it in the valley. Can't go wrong. There're no missteps you can make at Vito's. Like I said, knockin' it outa tha park for decades.
You're gonna leave happy. But you gotta decide to put your butt in a seat. Waddaya waitin' for?
My favorites are:
Coconut Shrimp or maybe some Minestrone
The Garden and the Crisp Apple Salads are to die for
My wife and daughter love the Caesar
The Pizza of course
Chicken Parmisiana - I gotta struggle not to order it EVERY SINGLE TIME
Oh, and the Lasagna and the Marsalas, just anything off the Pasta menu
You got a big group? Ask to be seated in the Wine Cellar. It's nice down there.
Happy Hour is awesome, and just what you need after a rough day in the coal mines or shakin that lousy brother-in-law down for the money he owes ya.
Be good to yourself. You deserve it.
Tell 'em Dale sent you. And when they say: Who? Just say: Waddaya got on tap?