To begin with, search for a Groupon coupon before you go here. For what you get, it is rather pricey unless you use a groupon. But with a groupon for two or four, it is an OK deal. All the food offerings are OK -- nothing spectacular or special, but not bad. We had 5 of us and ordered 3 apps -- 2 cold (smoked salmon with capers and the cured meats and cheese plate) and one hot (shrimps with garlic and olive oil). The cold ones were 4 stars, and hot one maybe 3 stars. We had paella (2) and chicken over pasta with a creamy cheese sauce....sorta like a Spanish version of chicken alfredo. Both types of dishes were pretty good. Flan for dessert. We were all full and satisfied. But again, you gotta have a groupon or you will be dissatisfied.