| - I love the Kensington market. Every time I'm in Toronto, I'd make sure to stop by here to either try a new food spot or go to my usual favorites. As a vegetarian, I was excited to try Hibiscus since my sister recommended it to me.
Good: It's a hip little spot, clean looking place and inexpensive. My sister ordered the savory 'vegan cheddar chutney pecan pears' crepes and it was pretty good! I just wish I ordered it too. I had a not so great experience with our first waitress, and better service by the second one.
Bad: I decided to get the soup and salad combo since it was only $15. Firstly, the menu doesn't have a description for the salad in the 'soup and salad' section of the menu, so I asked our waitress if the salad in my combo is the 42 ingredients salad. A simple yes or no question. She condescendingly replies "it's a salad", so I repeated my question to clarify if it's the same one, to which she rudely replies "well, we only have one type of salad here". At this point, I've lost my patience, I don't make a fuss unless I feel I've been instigated. "So it's the 42 ingredient salad? That's what I am asking." She finally replies 'yes' and then I asked her to give us a few minutes to decide. At this point, I'm so heated over this condescending attitude. I told my sister we're leaving (I cannot stand bad service at restaurants) but she doesn't want to, so we ended up disputing a bit loudly. I got really riled up but my sister calms me down and we ended up staying. The wait staff must've overheard because we immediately got a new waitress, to which our brunch date ended a lot more smoothly. Now, the food. Was that salad as mind blowing as everyone described it to be? I certainly would disagree. It tastes like 42 minimally flavored chopped vegetables separated in one bowl. It tasted exactly what you envisioned to be 'healthy': a tolerable, guilt free meal that isn't your first choice . I almost forgot I've ordered a soup and it just so happened to be a cauliflower soup. Another disappointing minimally flavored soup in a cup.
Bottom line: The service did improve at the end, so it wasn't a completely awful experience for me. I'm surprised at how high their reviews are, given how mediocre my meal was. I really wanted to like this place, especially since it's a vegetarian spot, but I find the food (especially that damn salad) to be a bit over hyped and lacking. However, I would give their savory crepes a solid two thumbs up. Would I be back? Very unlikely.