| - Worst Veterinarian Andrew Landerville. Ordered a skull xray with a differential of renal failure?? Really ? He tries to cover up his lack of medical knowledge by being rude. Just so you know, dehydration can cause hypertension. He said ( while his hand on his waist and loud voice) " Im the doctor here and I decide whether or not to give treatment. This is my hospital" . My goodness.. Atleast try to explain why or why not and act like a doctor. Very unprofessional. If you love your pets, please DONT bring them here. Landerville please study some more cause you are dealing with lives here. Seriously you need it... Please read on medical ethics, pathology, physiology, endocrine, renal failure, different stages and how to differentiate pre, renal and post renal failure, when to order skull xray, causes of dyslipedemia and when is it relevant to the case. Mainly basics. He does not do focused diagnostics. Do you even care about the pet or just the money? Or maybe you just dont know where to focus the diagnostic based on history? Im sure all medical people here knows that before diagnostics like cxr or skull xray, you stabilize a patient first atleast. The fact that you already know that PCV is very low, you still wait and give fluid bolus? Do you know what is hemodilution? read on it too. I just dont know any other critical care in the area so I didnt have a choice.