| - Here's a story about how I was treated like a criminal earlier 8/11/17 around 3pm.
I went in to drop off my prescription paper and buy a Rockstar Energy drink but right away a cosmetics display caught my eye since, ya know, that's what the displays ars designed to do.
Immediately I caught the awkward attention of a female employee and I could see her from the corner of my eye just creeping on me. She hovered for a while and finally carefully asked if I needed help. I shook my head nah with a fake smile and kept looking. She walked away for maybe 5 seconds then, what she must have thought was out of my field of view, circled kinda behind me at the edge of the aisle and just watched me. I'm talking like 4 feet away from me staring. So awkward!!!
So, finally I am sick of it and annoyed and no longer want to buy anything and walk past her. I wasn't 100% sure she thought I was a criminal til I heard her voice immediately on the speaker say "Code 99." At this point I was getting my drinks and casually looking around at the employees who had taken an interest in me. I had never heard Code 99 before but it was pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a total dipsh*t that it's a scare tactic for shoplifting. A quick Google search confirmed my suspicions.
Even from the pharmacy section where I dropped off my prescription and paid for my drinks they were creeping, including the cosmetics girl on the opposite side of the store just enjoying the "show" of me waiting in line, paying for my drinks, and leaving.
I arrived in a decent car and had no where to hide any items as I was in tight, light colored gym gear with no purse. I had barely been inside 30 seconds before the employee chose me. So what gives, Walgreens, do I look like a crack head or something?