| - was OK. Brought my sons caregiver, my son (13) and was 58$!!! holy hella expensive!! My child has autism, so I wasn't sure what to expect from him with all the butterflies flapping about. We first saw the movie, which is good if you like 3-D stuff...but for me it just made me nauseated and gave me a bit of a headache. My son was NOT thrilled with the butterflies, and was shooing them away from him and trying to shoo them away with his foot too, so one of the workers got all in a tizzy about if he was going to go kill the butterflies or something...sheesh!! While I was there I saw 4 people step on butterflies, and my son didn't even so much as graze against one....the guy clearly didn't understand the disability, or was just an ass...:(( the sting ray thing was ok as well, but not overly son did seem to like that, but likely because he liked the fish in the tank, and water in general. Over all it was just Meh.....overpriced....WAY overpriced...I went, I saw....and now I don't think I will go again.....not until the other stuff is done in 2 years. This is just MY experience...I'm sure others enjoyed it, but I didn't.