My family and I stayed her March 18. When we woke up the next morning we were covered in bites. I stripped the beds down to find the beds covered in protein stains, fresh lipstick markings and bugs.
I immediately called down to front desk and she acted like it was no big deal. I requested the manager to come up to my room and see the room for herself. About 30 minutes later she came up with the front desk lady and the head of house keeping. The manager asked her several questions like if she knew to replace the mattress cover of its stained like this and she said "no I didn't know it came off". She didn't know it came off, and she's the head of housekeeping!!! Good Lord!!!
I had to get my truck carpet and seats steam cleaned out to get rid of the bigs we brought back with us.
I had to throw away my suitcases as I was unsure if I were able to get rid o all the bugs and didn't want to chance bringing them into my home.
I had to sit in the car for 8 hours while my children and I co to use to get. It as we drove home 7 hours in the car.
I had to go to the laundry mat and wash everything there so not to contaminate my home.
All this happened in March!!! It's June now. 3 months later and Extended Stay has yet to take ownership of their wrong doings and even attempt to make right with us.
Do NOT stay here!!!!!