| - High turn over in office and every manager they have had has been a 20 something with an attitude. I can hear my upstairs neighbors bathing, talking, rand EVERYTHING in between. They are constantly closing the pool, laundry facility, gym, and clubhouse for photography and remodeling and repairs and because it's a random Thursday in November. The air conditioning in my apartment was leaking and they entered my home without calling me or notifying me in any way. Came home to holes in my wall, fans running and my sons stuff moved all over the floor. I thought I had been robbed until I saw the fans. When I complained about this the next morning the manager told me it was "an emergency", but next time they would try to call. When I told her it is illegal for them to enter my apartment without notice and without my permission she became even more hateful and, basically, told me they had a right anytime they want. Not true and I should have called the cops. The "courtesy officer" they say is available for any issues after hours is a joke. My neighbors and I all were outside on our patios one night and there was a group of drunks at the pool (there are always drunks at the pool), but this was after it was closed. The new fence they just added locks, but before that anyone could go in. These people were blasting music and yelling profanity. I volunteered to call and the courtesy officer told me he checked the pool to make sure it was closed. I told him there were people there. He said to send the office an email and they could check the tapes to see who it was. Seriously......???? I sent an email. Never got a response. My neighbors called the cops because it sounded like it was going to get violent. In the year I have lived here, at least two neighbors called the cops for problems at the pool after calling the courtesy officer and getting no help. We have all talked about how we can't wait for the pool to close. None of us use it because of the problems. I have seen cars pull up and let four teenagers out and then leave the neighborhood. I don't even think the people causing the problems live here because since school started back there is no one at the pool even on weekends. I also had the cops show up at my door looking for someone who used to live here. When I voiced my complaints about the noise and problems at the pool to the office staff the "manager" told me I was the only one who had ever complained about any problems at the pool. So, apparently, she is either a liar or in denial. You can't even walk to and from your car in the summer without a lesson in profanity. One day I even had puke beside my car. Also, the maintenance guys park their gold carts anywhere they want including behind cars and in the handicapped parking spaces. Twice I have had to go to office and ask them to move their cart so I could get out of my parking space and go to work. Problem is, office wasn't open yet and I was late to work trying to find them.