I just finished eating my take-out dinner from CRMG on Camelback.
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of food left, unfortunately it's in the trash can.
What I noticed behind the counter was a lot of confusion among way too many high school employees. It looked like they opened last week, yet they opened at least 6 months ago.
I used CRMG online ordering tool. That worked. I ordered the beef nachos and a beef burrito.
When I dug into my nacho's I didn't like that there was barely any cheese. Also, they seem to use cheddar which once it cools changes your nachos to NACHO. Impossible to separate.
I gave up on the nachos quickly - no flavor and a pain to eat. Time for the burrito.
What the burrito lacked in flavor, it made up for in size. What flavor was there, was not what I expected. I ordered with a medium verde salsa - which it appeared to have - but it also had some kind of enchilada sauce. The two combined to be inedible. I ate less than 20% of the burrito before trashcanning it.
All in all, it was a wasted $18.50
Under no circumstances can I envision a return.