I usually come in for food, this time I decided for delivery. Not only was the delivery guy 20 minutes late but the salad came warm. Delivery time is supposed to be 45-1hr and he showed up 20 minutes past that 1hr mark. Also they forgot to mention that they charge 5.50$ to deliver, if I knew that I wouldn't of tipped the driver and I would of just simply picked it up. I called back and asked why she didn't tell me that it's a 5.50 delivery charge, and she said "we're not required to tell you that information" in an extremely rude tone. Excuse me? Are you freaking kidding me? And why did your delivery guy think it's a good idea to put pizza and salad on top of each other together? I would of never tipped the delivery guy if I have known about the 5.50$ delivery charge from the beginning, and I would of simply just drove and picked it up from this place instead, and I would of had a cold salad instead of the warm soggy salad. Truly disappointed in this place.