Came here as a last minute desperate act to find my two year old a dress. Yes, I will admit that I'm a procrastinator. Before this I had gone to Baby Gap, Target, and Walmart.. this was my last resort. Luckily this time it worked out.
Walking in it was busy and I was dreading having to check out since there was a line. I practically ran to the back kids section. Sadly there was a very limited amount. I about died.
Luckily two dresses popped out of the about 10 they had left. I was looking for a red one but sadly I was SH*T out of luck. Oh well. I guess the three generational picture we are taking tomorrow will have to be altered a bit.
The first dress had tags that said 29.99 and was for 8.99. YES, thank you! It was a beautiful 3T black dress with a grey blue bottom and tie. Instantly fell in love with it and knew it would go perfect with my great grandmothers pearls.
Next, I saw a gorgeous cream, black and gold plaid dress. It screamed buy me and I just couldn't say no. The tags on this one said 39.99 and it was at ross for 9.99. What a deal! Def was in shock.
Running to the check out line, I stood their for ten minutes which gave me a chance to check out a few other items for a birds eye view. In distance I could see some guess bags for 15 bucks, normally 45. A couple dresses that were business oriented half priced.
Cashiers were friendly, fast and efficient.
When im not in a rush, running like a chicken with a head cut off I will come back to check out the amazing prices and cute clothes.