I'm glad I got to check out this show it was very entertaining and moving!
I didn't grow up listening to Donny & Marie like most of the audience had but it's still very easy to get into the songs that are popular and I love the way Marie tells her experiences behind some of the songs.
In this particular show Donnie didn't sing because he was sick, but their nephew David Osmond stood in and was just as talented. Marie has a great vocal range and covers some of her numbers when she was on Broadway, some Country songs and even songs from her new album that are real encouraging and have a positive message,very nice!
I definitely recommend this show if you are interested in a fun and engaging concert!
Like I said before about this venue it's a little old so seats are not comfortable. Since they play videos on the screen that go along with the songs it can be annoying having to twist your head just to look over at the screens with how the seats are positioned.