| - My experience was dealing with a Groupon offer. The deal came with a personal consultation, but this is just a guise to get you signed up for personal training. I totally felt coerced into signing for personal training. The guy almost had me sign something for over $1000! As he was shoving the paper for me to sign, I asked him what my final rate was (which was astronomical) I told him there was no way I could afford it (thank god I asked and didnt sign straight away-I was sweating bullets at this point, made me so nervous and alone). In an attempt to end it all and get away from it. I signed for 6 sessions costing close to $500. This is still too much, I asked if I could get back to them or if I could return with a friend who was supposed to join me but she canceled that day unfortunately. He was not having any of it, said I should decide that day and let him know. His whole body language was very pushy as if he just wanted me to sign and leave. He was also very rude when I asked the simple question "why does it cost so much"? He rambled on about how the staff were university graduates, would I not also be expected to be paid well with a degree. Anyway, Ive been going to the gym regularly, it does its job so Im ok with it but Ive learned a valuable lesson, take a deep breath and walk away (or bring a friend). Sometimes it takes these situations to toughen up for harder situations down the road. My trainer turned out great, best to be positive, Ill make the money back.