| - Maybe I'm spoiled...
If you want to know what museums looked like back in 1984, you do not need a time machine. From the display cabinets to the displays to the building itself, it reminded me of a museum if my mother was the curator. To be fair, I am comparing it to the newer Nevada State Museum, but you'd think there would be something 'newish' here. I do take that back...a little...there's the children's science room. Here, let's take the tour...
Upon entry, you get the pleasure of paying (at least they accepted bitcoin...just kidding). To your right is the closet, I mean, gift store. Your 2nd right is where the fun begins. You are immersed in some taxidermist's store room. Animals that might have been of some interest in a staged display are lined up like cars in a used car lot. While any animal stuffed for display is depressing, the lack of imagination in presentation is downright criminal.
Your next right is the marine room. Here they have a shark tank...little guys really. Even more exciting was the 'find the starfish' in a bookshelf of specimen jars. Seriously more creepy than the Bodies exhibit. There's a turtle tank not unlike the one in PetsMart and a few rows of other fish tanks. I'm sure I'm missing something...then again, I wasn't enthralled.
You kinda see where this is going? It's an old museum in need of some restoration. Okay, it needs a dang facelift. There is very little here to inspire young minds to do anything other than press their noses back onto their ipads. As Las Vegas continues its slow march into the 21st century, places like this need to be brought into the future. Where is Tony Hsieh? This is as downtown as Fremont without the love. Maybe it could be taken under UNLV's wing? If you don't expect too much, you may be pleasantly surprised...