US Airways will now be my airline of last resort. Had a horrible flight experience with them. Flew out of STL to Charlotte, NC for a connecting flight to Daytona, FL. Charlotte closed their airport because of a thunderstorm and we circled for 30 minutes before running low on fuel and being diverted to Greensboro. We sat there till the airport re-opened. We arrived at Charlotte a couple of hours later. They were unable to get me on a later flight and told me the best they could do was the next evenings flight. They offered a discount hotel voucher that was no different than the prices listed on the hotels website.
As I sit the next day in the air port waiting for my flight a see a LOT of running scrambling people missing flights and unhappy. Which leads me to believe that this is the norm for US airways.
Final note: don't fly unless you are not in a hurry to get to your destination and can afford the unexpected cost of a nights stay at an upscale hotel.