You know it's bad when the mall's owners let the bank take it over. Losing Macy's was a massive blow (and they owned that Robinsons-May building too, so no rent). They've been struggling for a very long time now, but the surrounding area just isn't rebounding enough to support a regional mall.
I remember when they lured Best Buy from across the street (Borders was supposed to have the other floor, good thing they got Dicks instead) and several chain stores (Express, New York and Co) used the low rent to expand and remodel while the mall did a refresh (yanked out second floor carpet for tile). So many storefronts are closed now. It's really sad to remember how crazy busy this place used to be during the holidays!
There will never again be the plant-lined courts where Sam Goody and Music Land were built on top each other next to the well-stocked everyone-shops-here Sears, no overpriced but unique Suncoast across the ways, and no surprisingly good buffet at King's Table. Wizards of the Coast, the music box and beanie baby shop, cookies and corn dogs and mozzarella sticks from the neon-lit Food least we have the memories.
Don't be surprised if you are asked for money by people in the parking lot or they try to sell you something. AVOID the ridiculously rude survey people in front of Dillard's, if they're still there.