| - I was bedridden for 2 years than thought I saw a shining beacon of light in a place called Shea Medical, who told me they were LLMD's and that they were very fairly certain based on my symptoms that they could help me. I went into their clinic, had many tests run, and after waiting a month was officially diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. This center gave me the diagnosis that had eluded me for years. But that is where the positivity ends. It has taken me a long time to write about my experience with these individuals. I will only write the facts that I have personally experienced and that can be backed up by both my mother, father, and boyfriend who accompanied me to appointments and who spoke to them with me on the phone.
Shea Medical is located in Scottsdale Arizona. The first oddity I noticed was when they stated in person and in writing that I needed to pay up front for all testing because they do not charge to insurance carriers. They than did in fact charge my insurance, whom sent me additional bills to cover all items, thus double charging me. Shea also used completely untrue and defamatory medical diagnosis's to bill the various testing procedures they had done. For example (and this is only one of the many untruths they used for billing), they billed a claim to my insurance carrier for a lab test under the reasoning I have an eating disorder. This is an outright lie that they put forth to my insurance, and is now something I can never take out of my medical record.
They than gave me a quote for 3 months of treatment. Their first quote, which they warned may not be covered under insurance, was $70,000. My family was than told they accidentally sent the wrong quote. We were grateful, assuming the large amount would be greatly reduced and that they had made a mistake. The new quote from Shea Medical came back at $90,000. That's right, 90k for 3 months of treatment, that would needed to be paid in full, up front, out of pocket. We became incredibly confused as the few past patients we had spoken to that had received identical treatment only months before were quoted at around $30,000.
At this time I was gravely sick. You could call me and my parents unsuspecting, confused, and in a very weakened state. We considered their quote but decided we wanted to speak to additional past patients about how they had recovered. At that point, if they could make me better we were willing to go through with their treatment, even if it meant spending all of our savings. After repeatedly asking for references and being denied from Shea we looked online for any positive or negative reviews. Through differing online communities, blogs, and phone calls to friends/family/acquintences in Arizona we found and spoke with many individuals who visited Shea Medical as well as their sister clinic Envita and were treated for Lyme. Out of the numerous people we spoke to, we were unable to find many that had a positive outcome to their treatment protocol.