Last night I went to cafe rio and had the worst experience of customer service. I come in and I explained to the lady my order might be complicated I would like my chips in a separate box then all my topping because by the time I get home my chips are soggy. I live about an hour away from the nearest cafe rio. Well I guess she couldn't understand what I was saying so she got an attitude just started throwing any kind of topping she wanted in there because she didn't give me the ones I asked for. At the end she threw my food at me and told the cashier "to just put my shit in a bag". When I say she threw my food at me I mean threw it at me my food slid onto the counter tipped over and everything, it just went everywhere. I was outraged, first I drove 1 hour to get to the establishment to pay almost $20 for a meal that was thrown at me and half of it to be spilled on the counter and floor. I asked to speak to a manager and she did nothing made me pay for the food and I left. later when I called and asked to speak to corporate then she wanted to be like I'll give you a coupon to come back and see us. No thank you I want to speak to corporate. Terrible customer service, absolute worst. Will never see another dime of my money.