| - Never, ever again.
I could make this a long winded review detailing every problem we ran into during the 4 legs of our trip where we flew with United, but I would run over the max character limit. We traveled to BKK, HKT, and NRT and used United for 4 different legs of the trip. There were problems with all 4 legs!
-Rude, snippy, and generally unpleasant flight attendants. Not all of them, mind you, but there were 1 or 2 on every leg that were rude for no apparent reason. One lady kept telling my friend and I that we should split a can of Coke Zero instead of requesting 1 each, when everyone else was getting full cans of their beverages.??? Wth is that about??
- We paid the extra charge to sit together when we made the reservations back in August and on one leg we were forced to sit apart with the only explanation given was that the flight was full. No refund. Basically just a "tough shit" attitude was all I got. How is it that we drew the shortest straw and arent even issued a refund. Thanks for taking my money for nothing, United.
- At baggage check in on the very first flight we were using that check in kiosk to check our bags but it kept flashing and resetting before we could finish. We asked for help multiple times but were completely ignored until we were able to jump on another kiosk (It was pretty busy at the time, but at least some sort of acknowledgement was appropriate)
I could keep going with more examples, but all its doing is getting me annoyed again..
I think the big thing with United is that they fly the planes well enough and do what it takes to get you there, but have the most apathetic and indifferent "customer service" I have ever had to endure in all my years of flying.
Friendly Skies, my ass!
1 star....untill Yelp! allows for 0 stars reviews, at which time I will update.