The Whining Pig is a place that keeps it simple but gets it right. It has a retro, super cool atmosphere. Imagine a (gender) cave stocked with all your favorite games from you when were a kid. Your favorite songs from back in that day belt out non stop. The room has just the right colors and lighting to have you feeling fine.. And last but not least, there's a ridiculous amount of craft beer to choose from. If the sprawling beer list is overwhelming don't worry, the tender has got you.
Grab your favorite beer or one you've never heard of, and challenge your friends to Trivial Pursuit- or Hungry Hippos. Once you've got a good buzz going draw a picture or leave a comment on the giant chalk board. (Its more fun than Facebook)
This is a can't miss place for beer drinkers born before 1980. Or for hipsters who like to pretend its 1980. So oldheads, hipsters, wanderers, add this one to your bookmarks!