I was introduced to the AAC when I adopted my pup and been coming here a little over a year. After her first initial check up I kept coming, but after a recent issue on lack of proper communication and customer service I decided to go elsewhere and here's why.
I took my pup in last sept for routine shots which ran me $60 and during that time I had brought up to the vet that my dogs ears were starting to get red and the vet checked them out and said it was nothing. My thoughts were okay, I know it's not nothing, but okay.Then a week later I had to come back, because it looked like it was seriously worse, which I wanted to prevent that's why I said something a week ago.
The vet checked my dogs ears "again" and agreed that there was an infection, but then proceeded to charge me an examination fee of $50... even though this ear issue had been addressed like I said.... a week ago.
In a nutshell I'm getting charged $50 because the vet didn't do what she was suppose to do in the first place. So after that I was given 1 medication + ear drops and exam for a total of $150 and then put on the schedule for a "re-exam" for an additional $25 which I was not told about until afterwards.
Honestly I have no problem paying for what my pup needs, but to go to a place where prices aren't made available and then having to argue over a $50 exam and ear infection that was preventable is non sense in my opinion.
I personally appreciate establishments where the people are straight forward about what they do and what they charge and based on this experience I see that this is not the case. Things could have been better handled and they should be because customers don't want to feel like they are being taken for a ride... a financial ride.
Anywho, I'm still giving AAC 3 stars because before this happened I had my pups teeth cleaned and they did a good job, but I probably won't be coming back.