Yes, I am giving 5 stars to a coffee shop with a name and concept that sounds like a cheesy early '90s skinamax flick. I could be embarrassed by how much I actually enjoyed Bikini Beans Espresso, but why should I be? I didn't just like the place because I am a dirty nearly middle aged man. I liked it because it excels at its concept and actually serves up a good cup of coffee as well.
I stopped by Bikini Beans for a few reasons:
1. I wanted a caffeinated beverage. Seriously; that's #1.
2. It wasn't that far out of my way.
3. But I probably would have gone out of my way because I wanted to be able to say that I bought a cup of coffee from a sex-presso shop at least once in my life. We all need goals.
Hey. I'm 34 years old, married, and have a baby on the way. Getting served coffee by an attractive young girl who's wearing a minimal amount of clothing is probably about as adventurous as I am going to get for a very long time. The three baristas who were working Thursday afternoon were all lovely in every way. If the coffee isn't enough of a pick-me-up, than at least they are. The well placed drive-thru window is big, clear, and low allowing me to be a not-so-subtle perv. It more-or-less forced me to check the girls out while they brewed the coffee. The girls were also very personable. They engaged me in small talk the whole time I was waiting for that my drink. They even seemed like they were genuinely interested in what I was saying. Asking me to try my drink and getting my opinion of it before I drove off was also a nice flirtatious touch.
I guess you may be interested in what I thought about that drink. I had a B Cup of Mocha Frappe. Not only could I make a lot of dirty sounding similes about holding on to a creamy mocha b cup, but It was delicious. At $4.25 for 16 ounces, the price is on par with any chain coffee shop.
There's just some barely PG-13 t-and-a going on at Bikini Beans. Nothing offensive or sleazy. Just some easy on the eye girls wearing tight and tiny 2-pieces instead of aprons and polo shirts. If you're near downtown Phoenix and in need of some coffee you may as well live a little and give this shop a try. Bikini Beans is pretty much the same as Starbucks but a heck of a lot more fun.