So yea there's cheaper places to buy a tree. But this place turns it into a fun experience. You walk in and there's a big old fire truck and bells where kids take pics. And it's just like walking through a forest of Christmas trees and u can smell the pine in the air and you just get filled with the Christmas spirit. They got more sizes and variety here than most other Christmas tree lots, and u can tell they're all fresh and fluffy and green. We got a Noble Charlie Brown 5ft tree for about $90. But here's the breakdown:
So if I wanted to save money, bring your own tree stand, (the stands u get tho have a lifetime warranty so you'll never have to buy one again) and don't flock the tree. But they have trees for every budget.
Bonus is the place is run by fire fighters or the fire fighters in training. So u may get a cute one (Jake) to help u navigate and pick the perfect tree and he'll load it up for u and everything.