| - I loved it when it was Sunflower; staff would interact with customers. They joked among themselves. Food was good and amazingly inexpensive. There were wonderful finds.
Now it feels plenty corporate, not neighborhood. Like decisions are made far away, from people who haven't been in this location. The fake "country-style" Sprouts decorations-- give me a break!
But, I still go, in preference to Fry's or the super-expensive Whole Foods. I spoke with staff during the changeover--
Most of the staff I enjoyed are gone; most that are there now just keep their heads down and be happy they have a job. Doesn't feel like much buy-in. I used to ask, "what happened to so-&-so? I don't see them anymore." "Oh, the folks from before are working in the back now." No; they are gone, save two or three. What does that tell us? Those I spoke with didn't want to say much; seemed coached. And, as said by others, less staff is on hand to help.
Some of the breads, tampenades & spreads, meats, & non-dairy desserts I liked to get are discontinued; since Sprouts took over, the store has become less crowded with offerings. More liquor, less variety.
The neighborhood was so excited when Sunflower came; people talked about it in the aisles. When Bashas closed, a whole new crop of folks came in...for a while. When Sprouts took over, that "neighborhood" feeling turned gray. And, as others have said, prices have crept up. That's what corporations do: they destroy the competition, and can therefore charge more, for the consumer has no alternative. They cut and re-arrange staff, not caring about the precious mix of people and products that makes a place special. I guess their financials are in the green, but I 've got the post-Sunflower blues.