I bought a camera battery from the east side location last year. This May, the night before leaving on an epic road trip to Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon, I discovered my camera wasn't working. I charged the battery; still nothing. I didn't know if it was the battery or the camera itself (it's an 11-year-old Nikon). I decided to bring my camera along on the trip anyway as we thought we could stop at a camera store in Breckenridge, Colorado. As luck would have it, we ended up leaving a bit later than expected the next morning and found ourselves near the Odana Road location 10 minutes before they opened (at 10 a.m. on a Sunday! Most places open at 11 a.m. or noon on a Sunday). The wonderful gentleman who helped me popped in a new battery and the camera worked. He tested the old one and declared it a bum battery ... and gave me a new one gratis. We were on our way within 15 minutes of opening. Excellent customer service!!