| - 4.5 stars
this was the first place i visited during my day trip to cleveland. it is located adjacent to a couple of closed establishments, and on the opposite side of the building that holds other bustling establishments, such as flying fig. my friend and i came in to a slightly dark interior, and a very pleasant server behind the counter. he asked whether we wanted to try any samples. they were all so good! but we decided on getting a Spicy Lobster & Chorizo Bisque and a Jambalaya soup, each in the smallest 8oz size. Each soup portion was accompanied by a piece of bread wrapped in foil.
I'll start off by saying that the Jambalaya soup is good enough by itself (without the bread), to be sufficient enough as a meal. it is very hearty, with chunks of sausage. but with the bisque, the bread was the best accompaniment. the bread itself was very fresh and absorbed the less viscous bisque very well. in fact, by the end of my meal, there was not a single drop left in my plastic soup container, as i soaked every last bit of it up with the bread. -0.5 point only for the temperature of the soup, which was just a tad lukewarm for my taste. i understand, though, that keeping the temperature of the soup too hot while sitting out in the front may cause it to evaporate and change the taste of the soup itself. if i'm in cleveland again, i'll be back!