| - So, after our visit to Michael s Family Restaurant, my 14mo old daughter came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. She gave it to my 3 year old, who in turn gave it to me. (I am 24 week pregnant.
I have narrowed it down to coming from this restaurant as we have been in the house for, and have gone nowhere other the n the grocery store in the week prior to her first symptoms, and she didn't go to the grocery store, I went by my self. it is 3 to 5 days from contact for symptoms to appear, so there is no where else she could have got in in that time frame.
4 dr.'s appointment's 2 fevered kids, then spotty and itchy and cranky kids, 1 vomiting, and 1 already overworked pregnant mother.
We weren't super happy with out experience but would have gone back. Not anymore, I will never set foot in here again.