| - OK I go to Disney, Universal, and BuschGardens all the time. I was so excited to visit this theme park, since I was in the area. It has made me see, that not all theme parks are alike!!!!
The major PRO to this theme park is the food - It has really good food and the prices are Reasonable. They have chefs and offer barbecue, sandwiches, pizza, pasta, and salads. They also have chains. I saw Chick-fil-A, Panda Express, and Starbucks.
Another PRO is that they have major roller coasters!!! They are fast, they are high, but they will beat you up. Most of them are not smooth and I am really not used to the way they secure you. That is very different!!! And I don't like the fact that there's no handles to hold on to. It makes you feel uncomfortable.
PRO - It's cheap
Where to begin..... there's clearly not enough employees working. Some of the rides were not open, never saw an attendant in the bathroom, I never saw but one person walking around the parks cleaning up, there were only two people at the ride itself working, besides the person in the booth. Most of the employees never smiled, never greeted or said anything nice or happy. They looked so angry and mad and one gentleman even told me to fasten the seatbelt beside me, I guess he didn't feel like
There were no employees to tell you where to go or where to stand and wait. No one at the entrance to help you with any questions or guidance. No tester to see if you're able to get on the ride.
They had volunteers working, which I guess it's nice of them to offer this, but it slowed the process of checking out. The Dippin' Dots were not properly taken care of because there were chunks of ice and some that had melted and froze back together in my cup I did not finish it. There was no joy to anybody. It's really sad and depressing... except for 1 exception, the fury. The employees there were nice and friendly. It was my last ride so it left me in a good mood. That saying... I think it's ridiculous that it cost me $4 to get on the ride because I had to pay two dollars to rent a locker and then it would not let me reuse my locker so I had to rent another locker (even though I had only used 30 minutes of my locker use.)
~There's no queue, so you never know how long the wait is at a ride! (anywhere from an hour to two hours)
~ There is no shelter so you're out in the very hot sun.
~ handicap people have to go through the biggest ordeal, to get to ride a ride. You have to find your way to the outdoor elevator with no ventilation, wait for someone to lift you, get up there and wait for them to sign a paper, then go back down and come back and wait to be lifted back up. Again, the elevators have no ventilation and it's super hot in there!
~I did not come across any inside Attractions so you're always outside to the elements.
~ some of the employees would miss inform me of information. I would check with another employee and get told something totally different.
~ Guest Services was a joke! Everybody's wearing a supervisor tag but nobody knows anything!!! With one exception, a very nice man who's been there for many years, Eric - the rides' manager.
~ some of the shops only had extra small to medium shirts.
I NEVER get overheated or feel sick at a park, but I did at this one. I didn't stay an entire day, I left early. It was not a lot of joy in it, and that is sad because they have some really serious roller coasters and the price is affordable. Again, the food is really good!!!
I can't fore see myself going back there, ever, unless someone's dying to go. It's just not what I thought it would be.
If I want to enjoy a theme park, I'm going to save and just go back to Disney/Universal. Many things to choose from except for the fabulous food. Their food is pretty normal for theme parks/fairs...
If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.