It is no wonder that Macy's profits are in the toilet. It used to be that you could expect good customer service at a quality department store. At any Macy's you are lucky if you get service at all. I went in to the Biltmore location for some Christmas gifts. I went to purchase a few items from the jewelry department and had to hunt down a sales person. Then I asked for a box, it was a piece of jewelry after all. They had NO BOXES. NO GIFT BOXES AT CHRISTMAS!!! That is insane. There was no pen at the register to write the amount on a gift card they gave me. No pens anywhere. wow.
Don't even get me started on the horrible selection of women's clothing, that's a story for another day.
Macy's has a monopoly on the retail industry and it's headed for disaster. Makes me sad because a long time ago I worked at a Lord & Taylor in the Chicago area and I know what good customer service looks like. That was a top notch operation.
Macy's management: you might consider looking at your customer service, selection of merchandise, and buying some pens and boxes.