I LOVE This dutch brothers!! First of all I have never been inside an actual dutch brothers because they're all typically little domes that only house the workers. When I spotted this little gem we had to stop!! Plus, today is my birthday so of course I wanted a free drink if that was possible. I had just had an oral surgery done on Tuesday & could not have caffeine or anything hot. I typically get the white christmas morning chai tea with the works but opted for something both caffeine & sugar free thanks for the helpful girl at the register! She was super friendly, as was everyone else! They all wished me a happy bday & a speedy recovery. I ended up with a peach italian soda with cream (thanks to her recommendations!) it was absolutely delicious! BUT then again Im super biased because I LOVE DUTCH BROS!! I got a coupon for a free drink or food from starbucks this morning & thought to myself "Its not even worth it, even if its free!!" Hahaha Dutch Bros. is the only way to go! I will be back :)))) Thank you all for being friendly!