| - I'll admit it. Shopping for a great gym can be a bit daunting. Many times in the past I've purchased overpriced, so-called gym memberships only to be bored to distraction after a week.
But not at BODI and not with Nikki, no way.
Nikki R-O-C-K-S! Literally! BODI's 400-watt sound system keeps me workin' like a crazy man as Nikki dishes out motivating encouragement Navy Seal commando style. Wow. I just can't say enough (except the time I painted extra zeros on the dumbbells...Nikki got kinda mad about that and she wasn't impressed that I could bench 5,000 pounds).
Wanna build muscle? See Nikki!
Wanna lose the blubber? See Nikki!
Wanna be in the best shape of your life? See Nikki!
Wanna be prepared for the Zombie Apocalypse? See Nikki! Imagine look of terror in the eyes of the Zombies when they get a load of me! Shock and awe, my friends, SHOCK AND AWE!
The only real negative has been that no matter how much I beg, plead, threaten, cajole, inveigle, coax or flatter, Nikki refuses to offer complimentary cupcakes after each workout (like Madi does). I've created a Facebook page to bring awareness to this awful cupcake situation. But aside from that, a great gym and a great trainer. The only easy day was yesterday!!