This place is so un accomodating. I wonder if ot is ADA compliant? For someone that designs ADA compliant vehicles was taken back by the rudeness and lack of visitor sitting area. My friend is getting a 300.00+ tattoo and all I want to do os sit down amd wait. Yet I get yelled at for sitting on a empty bench with nobody else in the place. And as I raise my voice to question it, I get dirty looks and tattoo guys standing up trying to intimidate me. Simply unacceptable. Thank god I am not from Vegas and do not know the ADA rules here because I would persue it. It is just not acceptable to have no chairs or waiting area when you are making 300.00 plus an hour on people. What if a handicap person came in and his wife wanted a tattoo. Is he expected to stand for an hour plus with shady replies from the female counter girl, and other tattoo guys trying to intimidate you? Shut this place down and hope ADA will boycott this establishment.